Monday, January 13, 2014

Platter of Snacks for a Cozy Afternoon

     It was a cold and stormy afternoon and she sat alone in the dim light...the start of a good murder mystery and also a great reason to have cozy snacks.  I decided to have the snacks, then grab a good mystery book.  

     This is a combination of sweet and creamy and tangy but any snacks will do, especially if it's not a nice day out and you have a book to keep you company.

1 cup of figs, stems removed
1 bunch of large black seedless grapes
Sections of 1 orange
1 pear, cut into wedges
Your favorite cheese (I like cheddar)
1 small dish of tangy mustard

Lay all of this out on a platter and enjoy. 

Savor the sweetness of the pears with the creamy cheese.  Make a "sandwich" of two orange slices with a fig in the middle.  Try dipping a fig into the mustard and taste the sweet and sour.

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